Products with Purpose: Lattier Home Collection's Commitment to the Fight Against Cancer

This October, Lattier Home Collection goes beyond wearing pink. Every purchase from this range fuels the fight against cancer, contributing to groundbreaking research.

Spotlight on The Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation
Our chosen ally in this mission is the Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation, spearheaded by Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green. Her pioneering cancer treatment, with its astounding results—eradicating tumors in mice without any side effects—offers a beacon of hope in the oncology world.

Established with the ambition to transition this revolutionary treatment from lab to bedside, the foundation is committed to making it accessible to those most in need.

Your Role in this Journey
With every Lattier Home Collection purchase, you're not merely acquiring a product but championing a cause. Together, we can accelerate the journey towards a world where cancer is a word of the past.

To stand directly with Dr. Green's mission and make a difference, click here to donate. Every contribution counts.

With unity and purpose,

Lattier Home Collection


Lighting the Flame of Hope: The 'Survivor Candle' Story


The Silent Peril: Endocrine Disruptors & Breast Cancer